Vocational Testing

Find out what jobs you really like. Practice typing to increase your computer keyboarding. View tips on job search.

Interest Tests - English

Interest testing helps you discover what you love and then translates them into lifelong goals.

Interest Tests - Spanish

Las pruebas de intereses te ayudan a descubrir lo que amas y luego a convertirlo en metas de por vida.

Internet Intro

Internet knowledge and usage is an indispensable asset in today’s job market

Computer Intro

Computer knowledge and usage is an indispensable asset in today’s job market

Typing Tutor

Improving your typing skills makes you a more valuable employee to any organization.

Interview Tips

Interview tips update your abilities for interviews and help set strategies for job hunting.


Interest testing is simply questions about what YOU like and don't like. 
It is helpful to finding compatible work environments for you.
When you are done, simply send the results to us for our review and feedback.

English & spanish